Saturday, December 21, 2019

Descriptive Essay On Beauty - 850 Words

Beauty. Every person has a different standard of it. The hill country is my place of beauty and peace. Green trees and grass. Flowers blooming and butterflies everywhere. Birds singing their melodies and deer roaming peacefully. The sparkling sun causing everything around us to sparkle. Lampasas, Texas is a little town many people know nothing of. However, it’s the closest place to Heaven on this earth. My family is from there. My great-grandma has a house on the outside of Lampasas. The beauty of that land is surreal. It is the perfect picture of the country that is blessed with a little country home, many acres, cows, a creek filled to the brim and flowing ever so peacefully, the crickets chirping, and every now and then a car may pass†¦show more content†¦There was no way on earth I was going to be able to climb The Bluff and not die. I eventually sucked it up, with the help of my grandfather, and started my trek up The Bluff. The obstacles I faced were ginormous, at least for the younger me. Daddy Long Legs climbing all round us, housed in the nooks and crannies we needed to climb up the bluff. With every hand and foot hole held a home for them. Our hands and feet went in clean and came out with two or three Daddy Long Legs on them. Rocks, sticks, and uncomfortable surfaces scraping up and slicing our wet, wrinkly hands. Grass burrs were a gift from Satan himself. Lo and behold, they were absolutely everywhere. All the while detecting a little voice behind me, not paying much attention to it. The heavy breaths were drowning any other sound out. We were inching our way up the bluff, step by step. My little, dark, normally a brunette but a blonde due to the sun, brother was in front of me by quite a bit. I was struggling and barely staying up there. With cuts all over me, spiders petrifying me, and not being able to pull myself up, I started to get discouraged and tried to go down. I mumbled to myself, â€Å"Well, you were never the athletic one anyways. They are strong and good at this, but I can’t do it.† Then I heard the little voice a little clearer and then very clearly. The voice was telling me, â€Å"You can do this†, â€Å"Don’t give up†, and â€Å"You are stronger than this trial youShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay About Beauty947 Words   |  4 PagesI think our minds are obsessed with beauty. We envy those we cannot be. We strive to have this picture perfect life, or something close to it. When I was younger, I was never out going or the kid that talked all the time. That just wasn’t me. I never thought of myself as beautiful. I thought I was pretty, but in my mind, to be truly beautiful, one must possess other characteristics beyond the physical realm. 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